I'm giving the homily at my church this morning, so I thought I would just publish my text as my blog post today....
(Ezekiel 2:1-5 —
2 Corinthians 12:2-10 — Mark 6:1-13)
This is only the second sermon that
I’ve ever actually preached in front of people. My theme today is Trust,
which is particularly apt, because I’m so aware that for me to stand up here in
front of you all is an act of trust. I trust you. I trust you to put up with
me, even if there is a lot to put up with. And I’m pretty sure that you trust
me too, at least a little bit. So, what is this thing called Trust? Now, I’m
going to go all academic and talk about the Greek word that is most often
translated as “Faith”, or “Belief”: “Pistis” — which literally means “persuasion”— to ‘be persuaded’, to ‘come to trust.’ One of my favorite Bible
translations, The Complete Jewish Bible,
consistently uses the word ‘trust’ in preference to the word ‘faith.’ (I think
I like it because it works exactly like the Greek word, in that it can be
either a noun or a verb. I can say, “I trust you,” but saying, “I faith you”
just doesn’t make much sense.) Biblical Hebrew uses 9 different words in this
context, and every single one of them can be translated as “TRUST.”
I’m fairly confident that when we
use the word “faith” with the meaning of “to
believe in; to accept as truth on authority, without complete evidence,” we
are missing the boat.
So, what do the readings today have
to say about Trust? Before I talk about what the reading from Ezekiel has to do
with trust, I want to talk about another word that gets translated in an odd
way. That word is “spirit.” In both Hebrew and Greek, the word means “a moving force”; “a wind”; or “breath.”
Even in Latin, the original meaning of the word “spiritus” was “breath”
or “wind.” That’s where we get words
like “respiration” and “expire.” On a side note, the Latin word
for a disembodied entity, or ghost, was “larva,” not “spiritus.” So, whenever
we read the word “spirit” in the
Bible, we really ought to keep the words “breath”
and “wind” in mind.
Okay, on to the reading from Ezekiel:
The Hebrew says something like
this: “and she arrives as a wind inside
me, which is how God speaks to me.” (By the way, the Hebrew word is in the
feminine form, so the Holy Spirit is definitely a ‘she’!)
So, when God says, “You! Earthborn! Stand up, I’m talking to
you!”, Ezekiel feels this wind, this moving force, deep inside him and it
blows him away. Literally. It blows him right up onto his feet— where he finds
out that he is being sent to talk to some very stubborn and contrary people,
and he’s supposed to tell them what God says. Talk about trust! The passage
ends with God telling Ezekiel something like this: “Whether they trust you and listen to you or not, at least you will be
showing them what trust looks like!”
Now we come to Paul’s letter to the
Paul comes right out and tells them
that he’s afraid that they will think he’s conceited, that he’s trying to claim
some special status that gives him the right to tell them what’s what. He even
says that he’s been given some kind of ailment for the very purpose of keeping
him from getting too big for his britches! He tells them that he’d like to
boast, that he has every right to boast, but he isn’t going to, because he
wants his actions to speak louder than his words. He also confesses that he
kept on complaining to God until Jesus finally told him in no uncertain terms
that trust is all he’ll ever need, that God’s power is fulfilled in weakness.
Now think about this: how much would you have to trust someone to tell
them about something you are ashamed of? Just how much would you have to
trust someone before you’d admit that you have a problem with being arrogant,
and showing off; to confess that you complained so much about some
inconvenience that Jesus had to grab you by the ears and remind you that his
kindness is enough, even for you, and that God’s power is only fulfilled in
weakness? What shines through in this letter is Paul’s own trust in his
companions and fellow disciples. He demonstrates to them what that trust looks
like, so that they can follow his example.
That brings me to something else
that I wanted to talk about, which is something that I don’t think we as human
beings do often enough. Since I was a little girl my response to something or
someone who fascinated me; some incredible or beautiful skill; some principle
or action that I admired, was to try to be like whoever or whatever it was that
had inspired me. I’ve observed something odd over the years, which is that it
simply doesn’t occur to most of us very often, to actually try to imitate what inspires us. We just don’t look for examples
and then actively try to apply them in our own lives. I’m not talking about
hero worship here either. What I’m talking about is how we figure things out; how
we decide in what ways we are going to put our values and principles into
practice. I taught Karate for many years, and I came to understand that we
human beings are definitely able to learn how to do that, even if we’ve made it
all the way to independent adulthood without ever even thinking about it. In my
own life, that’s something I keep on learning: how to look for inspiring things
and people, and when I’ve found them, to practice being like them.
Now we come to the Gospel. To me, it’s
all about trust and the lack of it. The story shows us, along with the
disciples, exactly how to practice trust. First, it’s shocking to find out that
Jesus is helpless against people’s lack of trust. The story says that he
couldn’t do any wonderful things, because their skepticism got in the way. The
people in his hometown thought they knew stuff! — stuff about Jesus;
stuff about wisdom; stuff about families; stuff about who’s more important in
the scheme of things. The things they thought they knew got in the way of the
trust that they needed to have in order to do their part in making wonders
happen. The text says that Jesus “was
amazed at their lack of trust.”
But the really cool thing about
this story is that it shows us how Jesus fixed the problem. He told his
disciples exactly what to do to get trust to happen, and they did what
he said. They went out to talk to people, and all they took was the clothes on
their backs, the shoes on their feet, and a walking stick. Guess what? It
Don’t think for a minute that this story
is supposed to be taken literally. Think of the backpack, the extra clothes,
and the wallet as representing things in our lives that we put between us and
circumstances, to help us feel safe and in control. Those are the things that
get in the way of trust.
Jesus has it set up so that, if we
follow his instructions, we’ll just have to figure things out as we go along.
We’ll have to pay attention in the present moment. We’ll have to see and hear
and smell what’s actually around us.
When we travel (metaphorically) with nothing but a walking stick, the
clothes on our back, and the shoes on our feet, then the people we meet will
have to see us for who we really are, without any distractions, and we will
have to see them in the same way. We simply won’t be able to afford to
have assumptions and expectations; instead, we’ll have to step out into the
freedom of trust. We’ll have to look for security in uncertainty; power in
weakness; discernment in defenselessness.
We’ll have to practice being
trustworthy, as well as trusting, because it works both ways.
Remember, Jesus needs to be able to
trust us, as much as we need to be able to trust him. If not, nothing
wonderful can happen.
Without a backpack, easy on our feet—
when God’s Wind blows, she’ll move us on.
Without any food, when our bellies growl—
there’ll be echoes at every neighbor’s table.
Without a wallet, we’ll be dead broke—
then we’ll have to trust what people give us.
So, we’ll come in and sit down where it’s warm,
and lean our sticks in the corner by the door,
but we’ll never stay long, and after we’ve gone,
It’s likely that Somebody will say,
“Some people– you can smell the Wind in their clothes.”
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