Just a Thought...


It occurred to me that the goodness of God is inexcusably gullible.

I mean, look at it, it’s self-evident— God falls for every single one of our scams, every time!


That complete Human, with heart on sleeve— the One we rely on to show us what God looks like in action— is the same person who went around yelling at hypocrites, and telling his friends that if they followed him, they would have to personally carry with them the means of their own execution, for crimes they never committed.

This excellent Human; this paragon of the Divine— who saw through the fraud, and still gave everything to the scammer anyway— this is our role model?


Could it be that we, these dusty Earth Creatures, have an overblown opinion of ourselves?


It’s as if we think it’s God who sets the standard that we use to measure each other by.

It’s as if we think that we can buy stuff from God, if we pay with the right kind of currency.


We think these things so savagely that we get angry when other people disagree with us.

We think these things so brutally that we imagine that God backs our power-plays.

We think these things so heartlessly that we celebrate when someone is justly punished.

We think these things so fiercely that we ignore some unmistakably obvious things, such as what’s actually written in those Holy Books we hold so dear.


When we pray, why is it that we always ask for something from God?

Is it because we think that God hasn’t already given everything— that God is holding something back for a rainy day?

It occurred to me that we might have it backwards— that we don’t depend on God any more than God depends on us.


Maybe, when we pray, it’s God whose prayers get answered.

Just a thought…..


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