Sticking Around
I never
noticed before, but the Daily Office Readings for All Saint’s Day don’t include
any reading from the Gospels. Not a one. I thought that was strange, and I was
surprised that I hadn’t ever observed that before, since All Saint’s is the anniversary
of my baptism.
I also
thought it was ironic that the first reading is taken from pseudepigraphal 2
Esdras, and most of the other readings are apocalyptic as well. I am not a fan
of Revelations, and I confess I was immediately somewhat suspicious at some of
the wording in 2 Esdras.
That leaves
me with Hebrews 11:32-12:2
around in sheepskins and goatskins, they were left behind, crushed and harassed.
(The world was not worthy of them!) They wandered, lost in the hinterlands and
the mountains, hiding out in caves; living in holes in the ground. Every last
one of them bore witness to their integrity— without getting what they’d been
promised— but God already had provided something more useful with us in mind,
so that they wouldn’t reach completeness apart from us.”
(My adaptation from Mounce Reverse Interlinear)
They sound like bodhisattvas to me—
those Awakened Ones
who stick around in order to be helpful,
because they know that completeness
isn’t complete unless it includes everyone
They are the “cloud of witnesses,”
always showing compassion;
holding fast to integrity;
practicing skillful means;
being useful.
Just ‘sticking around’ turns out to be
all the completeness anybody could ever need.
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